Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Being a helpy helper!

Been disconnected from the interwebs for a little while.
Been at a CISV camp, met wonderful people, fooled around in the snow, snuggled and many other wonderful loving activities.
Loved them all.
However, SPRING IS HERE! yabba-dabba-doojah!
I can finally shed my winterclothes and emerge as the laid back chillaxer I am. (Nicely put)
Gone is tons of warm sweaty attirements and in their place is loose shorts, tshirts, comfy shoes and pilot-glasses.

Yes, I am aware that I am behaving, and writing like a giggly schoolgirl on prozac but that is NEVERTHELESS the effect a hot sun has on me... and an increased amount of bare female skin.
Also, I am totally getting a Rubix cube, and renewing my vow to take up harmonica-playing.
For real, this time.

Got a bit short, this time. But enjoy the pics.