Friday, March 27, 2009

Giving two weeks the awesome-treatment

The last two weeks (before this one) has been sacrilicious!

A very good chickfriend of mine (I am very discontent with the english language for not providing a non-relationship-implying comparative to girlfriend.) returned home for two weeks, because she was working at a school here, and we had a blast!

On March 8th (The Ladies' day) we went to see the chickflick of the century, "The Women." An hour and a half later, we emerged, and my dear Natalie was ashamed and resigned at the way I had behaved. Yeah, my friends do that a lot, yet they love me somehow. Strange.
Anyhow, I had been moaning and sighing like a depressed moose, and also placing suitable comments in the scenes I found tasteless or vulgar. (Read: Every) This resulted in some hilarious looks in my direction. Still.... okay, here goes. I HEREBY PUBLICLY AND OFFICIALLY APOLOGIZE FOR THE WAY I BEHAVED AT THE CINEMA THE 8th OF MARCH! That one was for both her and the pussywhipped guys and their dominators in the back.
Before that, we attended the most random drunk-fest around. After witnessing the "alpha-males" displaying their testosterone, and being harassed for a bit by braindead homophobes from Planet Asshat, we headed for a kickass naschpiel! We talked about sexlife and fetishes for a while, then spent some hours annoying a third friend that was fast asleep on the couch, but after a while her brother showed up and magically transformed a lot of ingredients into a meal worthy of kings! After stuffing my face, we rocked a bit unsteadily out on Guitar Hero, before I headed to bed.
The last thing I can remember on the fly, is an amazingly nice visit to our town's China House for a dinner, where I could vent my frustrasions, (sexual and otherwise) and she could whine about her loved loving lovy lover, who is out at sea for a while. The inconsiderate bastard.
Thanks for stopping by Talie, I've greatly enjoyed your company ^^ <3
Now, onto more pressing issues, who do I have to see to implement the Norwegian word "veninne" for chick-friend into the English language? Time to kick ass and take names!
Also, Natalie, thank you for letting me use that old badass stupidface pic. We sure look good.
Quote of the day
"'Cause when you worry, your face will frown. And that will get everybody down, so don't worry. Be happy"
-Booby McFerrin

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bringing out the big guns

Before you ask, yep, the blueheaded lunatic in red scarf is me, myself. I had been modeling and gotten an extreme makeover on my personal roof. End of story.
It's springish and I am bringing out my trusted Batracer. A black bolt of lightning that sends tremors all the way to China when I rev the engine and hear it's apathic lion-roar! Crowned with two faded blood-red stickers of AC/DC's logo and more attitude than a spoiled teenager in a stolen car.
And with my awesome ride comes road rage from a whole other world! You might tell me rally-racers have guts, or that drifters or underground-racers are brave. I'll tell you as much, son, we two-wheeled brothers of pure hardcore zooming around on our motorized stools have got the biggest HUEVOS you can imagine! How else would we deal with everyday lifethreatening situations? You can sit in your hum-vee, the size of a small house, and feel safe as an armoured turtle, while I get more of a face-on interaction with other vehicles. It's when you can see the white in the eyes the drivers around you you have the most absurd experiences. Like when I was sit-dancing on my way home to "I'm so excited" (yes, absurdely hetero-sexual of me) and I get passed by a family of five that applaud me through open windows.
The most hilarious thing I have ever seen, however, was when I was holding a steady 50 km/h (my insanely high top-speed) and get passed by a red sedan. This might seem uneventful, so I will add that this car had been stuck behind me for a while. Then, as I look over to who was passing me, as I usually do, I see a wrinkly old face, two thin lips pressed hard together, and a wrinkly middle finger raised in my general direction . Yes, I got flipped off by an old woman passing me...

I have never been the same.
So have mercy and show a little respect for scooter-drivers. We deal with a lot of random things daily. A lot.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I would like to issue a warning to the consumers of beer and other alcohol and party-related consumeties. Also, I would make a reccommendation for the producers of said yummy-in-the-tummy products.

WILL YOU DEAR-GOD-PRETTY-PLEASE print warnings on the containers saying something like: "May lead you thinking you can dance!" or "Is capable of making you belive you are a young and caucasian Michael Jackson. (oh wait, SATIRE!)

In any case, I had an awesome weekend, two parties in a row and just one heck of a time.
Now I'm going to bed. I am sleepy, and my legs hurt.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Moving free like a messy monkey.

I have realised that just reading my junk cannot be all that great. (Even though I am a masterful writer.) So I have just looked around on the net to find a couple of things that relate to my daily life and personal philosophy.

I was skimming through material for learing the art and lifestyle of Free Running on the net, and came upon a clip that just really spoke to me. It's about a group of professional Freerunners, just sitting around and talking about what goes through their head as they move around.

I completely agree upon it all, and I love the way they have no idea what they are saying, but at the same time they could have freaking PhD's in it. These guys are the sit, they are what it's all about. In a way they feel like brothers, as the mindset is so much the same. Just watch it, and you know what I'm talking about. They are messy, but they know their stuff.
The lifestyle of a freerunner is quite logically a free one, and I love it. It's all about moving through things that seems impassable, and having a great time and laugh while doing it! Just act naturally, and become one with your movements.

Well, it's late, and I am sleepy. Check the clip out, and see what I mean.

Move free!