Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to get people to buy your junk.

Some time ago, more precisely in the blessed and holy two school-free months we had in the summer of 08, I had a little revelation of my own. Sadly, it was nothing close to a religious revelation, like that chubby and smiling Buddhist fellow had. It was also nothing near the revelation Bush had when he discovered he was a douche.

I was strolling down a lane in the beautiful city of Calgary in Canada, discussing dutch beer with a friend, when I came upon a dvd-rental shop. My mind was blown away. It was sublime.

You see, if a shop looks for employees here in Norway they usually just put up a small note with "Help Wanted" on. In the dvd-shop, that was not the case.

In absolutely HUGE letters, like the ones that says what movies are at the cinema, it said: "Movie lovers wanted, also; Henchmen are needed for our plans of world domination by pink teddybears with chainsaws."

"By Pikachu's beard!" I thought. This was just so new and exciting to me, and still, I really felt an urge to work at that store! The intensely random and funny advert had caught my eyes like a cat surfing a watermelon, and fulfilled it's purpose in this world. Happy advert.

Then I went on to philosophisticate (yes, i made that up) how our world needs a little more randomness and small laughs on a daily basis. People take things far to serious. I mean, sometimes you just have to go wild and make a fool of yourself. (Not to often of course, self respect is not a BAD thing, just MODERATE people 3-D )
Be more casual about your pride...

Like so:

Yes, that is me, and I am damn well proud of it. (The freak in the bed part, at least)
SO, how many of you guys have lately knowingly made a fool of yourself, for the entertainment of yourself and those around you?
Hold your heads up high!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha I have :P

Anonymous said...

Fin blogg, Trond!:)

Anonymous said...

Fin blogg, Trond!:)