Thursday, January 22, 2009

Statsoverhovud = Head of State = President

Today has been one of the rare occasins where my own presence has repelled me to such an extent that I have wished to be removed from my own smelly, yucky, throw-uppy body. Being sick has very few bright sides except getting your ass pampered. So I have been feeling like a smelly, yappy little rat that everyone has to care for and be of service to. I am only some years of domestication and a body-coat of fur away from being a Chihuahua. Repulsive little creatures. Please get the meaning behind my hateful words, I have nothing at all against the canine race, but if the little devil-spawns had been treated as the "dogs" they are supposed to be, and not some accessory for dumb daddy-girls around the world, I would at least show them some respect. I'll take a husky, labrador or even terrier over those things any day!

But these ramblings are not at all art of the topic that caught my (and a million other's) attention today. As most of the civilized world (and even a couple of teenagers) know, the United States of America has elected a new President. A black one, has some pointed out. To this I bow to the dust and applaud heartily. Now that Obama is in office, global warming has ended, alternative energysources will pop up like pimples on a teenage face and the world will generally be a much happier place. A world of no-echonomy-crisis-rivers and fluffy sugarcovered clouds. At least this is the impression I get from the media. The man has reached almost legend-status before even having an opportunity to begin his work. I do hope Barack will turn the tide and make USA a great example for the rest of the world, and solve all our problems, but it is important to realise that he is just one man. Yes, a man with a recognizeable amount of political power in his eager hands, but still just one man. Will the people of his country really continue to back him up if he starts making huge changes in their political ways and daily life? Right now the Force is strong in that one. He has around 70% of the people and senators and commons are with him. Still, he has a long way to go. I will be cheering for him, but I will also await results most calmly. Can he do it?


Unknown said...

Arnold Schwartznegger for president 2013!!

Hasta la vista global warming!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Jau dau, kvifor bloggar du ikkje pau songdøuling? Fine blogg du har, kjæresten til Kristina. ;)

Kristina sa eg måtte kommentera pau sogning, sau dau er kva eg prøyvar. Hahhaha, eg trur eg er ganske dårleg.

Heia Obhama, eg trur han kan klare det bra!

The Savvy Tramp said...

Takk for kommentaren, du :)
Men ho ha tydelegvis gutt deg eit kræsjkurs i dialekt som kræsja litt undervegs.
Å i slutten av preposisjonar og i dei fleste ord blir omsett med AO ;)
Eg blogga ikkje pao sognamaol fødi eg tenkje meg ut i verda og ha eit internasjonalt publikum ;) CISV'ar veitu.
Stao no pao