Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fylleslagsmål = Drunk Brawl (the not-cool kind)

Being sick for a longer period of time usually makes me cranky, as I can no longer partake in the social life I have built over the last years. Reaching a peak this afternoon, I have chosen to vent my rage on a personally heated topic that has been a concern for me lately. The rage-venting is also a good way of keeping me from headbutting a kitten out of pure blind frustration. I really don't want that, I like kittens.

The source of my fiery hatred this time around is the socially retarded nodheads that in their infinite wisdom have decided that Alcohol + Violence = Fun

Not only do the clever dicks always decide to beat the living bajeezus out of people every single time their alcohol-levels rise over zero, but they usually also take their fun sport of getting wasted and crushing skulls to events declared Alcohol-Free by the people behind it. The violent incompetents just can't seem to have any fun without getting drunk, and then proceeding to hit people, act aggressivly, scare kids, shit their pants and in other hilarious ways make an otherwise fun evening of hanging out turn into a nightmare for their victims.

Please understand me here, I have nothing against the fine breweries that is avaiable to us from shops around town. (Although I am not of legal age to be consuming them, yet. *Cough*) They more often than not lead to parties of pure awesome, sprinkled with the tiny epic moments like when, for example, the author found himself having a complete discussion with a female friend's teddy bear, or playing an unforgettable air-guitar alongside some friends to AC/DC's "Shook Me All Night Long."

It is when testosterone-addicted jerks find it neccesary to beat up some innocent random person because: (actual reasons!) "I don't like you!" or "You look funny" or the classic "He was looking at me!" Of course one cannot argue at these sharp wits and precise arguments. The worst is when the baboons performing their art of facebusting gets cheers or applauding comments from their peers. Where do people find logic in rooting for violence and excessive acts of stupidity and ignorance? OF COURSE they won't stop if they think it is acceptable! Still, the buffed up turds keep swinging, and keep getting pats on their backs from friends and lovers.

Yes, that is another concern of mine. Why do some of my opposite gender find this behavior, and the goons behaving this way attractive? In nine of ten cases they look like a bus ran over them, smell like doggy wee-wee and are about as interesting as the back of my hand. ( Presuming the back of my hand is plain, even and generally uninteresting.)
Are they attracted by the aura of alpha male-ness they emit? Or do the drunken fighters actually cover behind a facade of manliness and fist-to-face reason, while being completely functioning intelectuals with many interestin stories to tell?

My point is: Is it really neccesary for some males (and even some girls, yes I've been watching you) to fight while drunk? Cannot we all just get along, be at peace with ourselves and others, and have Hakuna Matata? It is perfectly possible, and highly recommended. Partying hard should be fun for everyone. Right?

ps: The dashing fellow portrayed in the picture on top is Olliver, a loyal companion of mine. Though quite deflated at the moment, he will rise again. He was at that moment enjoying a relaxing beer. The rascal had also stolen my hat


rødtoppen said...
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rødtoppen said...

fy fa'n vad bra du skriver!

Anonymous said...

...dakar deg, blir dytta av store tullinger som ser rare ut? fint miljø og gleder meg til sommeren. Th'funnylookingman TK.