Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Peculiar things to shove in your food-hole

What most people choose to eat, I have little interest in. Mostly, I'll have ceased to care within the duration of their plate-to-mouth fork movement.
HOWEVER, when people start putting truly random, disgusting or weird things in their mouth. (Yes, ten points to every pervert who tought that one through.) I am talking about those seemingly weird traditional courses that you only find in very nationalistic or exotic resturants. The ones that make you go (loudly): WHAT THE FUGGLES? Of course, this is only weird to an introverted hillbilly, and, as the tounge-in-cheek manboy of the world I aim to be, I will have a gander on some of the disgusting dinners. For the greater good.
(Warning: This checkout does not contain oral testing of any kind, and is based on loose knowledge and prejudice.)
As a sign of good sportsman-(/writer)ship, I'll go begin the test with an infamous Norwegian stomachturner. The "Smalahovud." Direct translation would be "Slim-head," but basically it is the head of a decapitated sheep with it's wool plucked off that has been roasted. YES, the eyes and brain are still there. You wouldn't want to miss those goodies? Eh? It is said to be quite tasty if you enjoy oridinary sheep-meat, yet the thought of consuming a head is quite the turn-off for me. Personally, I'd rather try something as weird as the leg of a pig, or the inner meat of a cow. (Oh, how adventurous of me.)
Next up on our little malevolent menu of the day is a Spanish classic. The (well sized) testicles of a bull. As a kind gesture to those of weak spirit, I have chosen to portray this by a bull showing his disagreement, and paying a fine gentlemen back for the imposing treatment of the bull's genitials. Well, eating the reproductive organs of a big animal may be the big dream of some people, yet I will chose to stay far out of both the bull's and the bally-eaty people's way.
Coming up next is a Scottish delicassy. The Haggis. From what I have gathered, this fine meal consists of a lot of junk being put into a sheep's bladder. (Poor sheep, they get battered around a lot.) The taste is described as incomparable, and I do not doubt that this could taste very well. It is, though, a bladder they are eating. The bladder is the big sack of pee. Pee is not very attractive to me, so I will just stay away if possible.
A quick search on the interweb, has, shockingly, proven me wrong in my immediate assumption. The haggis is onion, sheepmeat and other fine stuff boiled in the STOMACH of the animal for three hours. Still, it is cooked within the entrails of a sheep... Okay, if anyone actually makes it for me, I hereby solemny swear to EAT the haggis. Well, at least taste it thoroughly.
Then, last but not least in this cabinet of creative cooking, there is the tradition of certain Asian countries to eat dogs.
Get me right people, I do will not call fowl yet. I am sure that the flesh of a puppy might taste jolly well and all, but upon the moment where we take an animal within our home, name it, play with it, abuse it and (in the worst case scenario) pamper it while dressing the animal up as human; you usually do not eat them.
This is, of course, just a reflection of how I have been raised. If my parents have started off my childhood by pointing at chihuahuas and gently whispering "food" into my ears, I would eat them. Yet, this is not how I am brought up, so this just seems a bit unnatural to me. Still, if old Rover tastes good, why shouldn't we - the dominant species- get to eat them?
I want to thank the random people from which I stole these pictures. I am forever in your debt, but I will most likely not pay you back any.
Also, the site from which I extracted info about Haggis was, of course, Wikipedia.

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